Safety at BESCO
A focus on safety is core to BESCO’s culture, reputation, and personnel development efforts. Our first priority is sending everyone home safely at the end of each day.
Leadership Involvement in Our Safety Culture
Why do we train? At BESCO, we believe our employee resources are our greatest asset. We understand that our supervisors and managers are the front line of defense to drive our safety efforts. We invest in our managers and supervisors, so they can, in turn, invest in each of our craft employees.
We expect our management teams to participate in the daily success of our safety program through personal engagement and hands-on training. Everyone at BESCO is on the Safety team, and it takes everyone doing their part to keep each other safe throughout the day.

Comprehensive Safety Training & Education
BESCO has developed robust safety programs to keep safety at the forefront of all our work.
- Weekly safety site meetings address job specific tasks, followed with a daily job safety analysis performed by all site personnel.
- Field personnel are further required to perform a two-minute hazard awareness analysis before proceeding with or returning to a task, audited by a project manager and reviewed daily by crew leaders
- All our Foreman participate in BESCO’s “Foreman 40” program, consisting of 40 hours of specific leadership training on essential safety programs. We empower our Foreman through specialized training, teaching them how to make effective decisions and the necessary skills to do the job.
Compliance with OSHA Standards
At BESCO, we follow the strict safety standards set by OSHA and state and local guidelines. Before the job begins, our supervisors identify potential hazards and issues with our Job Hazard Analysis and Job Safety Analysis procedures.
BESCO strictly adheres to each customer’s environmental health and safety policy, respecting their job site and safety policies as we do our own. Customer and job-specific training is offered as required, ensuring all risks have been identified and prevented.

Innovative Safety Technologies
The state of the industry changes and evolves continuously. At BESCO, we strive to improve the safety standards for our employees through equipment and technology use. Our Pre-Fabrication department is on the cutting edge with new production capabilities and methods, saving our craftworkers from additional assembly and exposure while on the job site.
Our safety innovations are often achieved in less tangible ways. Our teams constantly seek better ways to improve and execute a safer work environment for all our employees.